Insurance Gateway Verified  Financial Service Provider  


Insurance GateWay


The IISA is a national professional body for the promotion and advancement of knowledge and skills, the maintenance of ethical and professional standards and the general development and progress of its Members and of persons in the insurance industry.


To promote world class standards and skills for a world class industry.


To implement and honour professional standards, to advance the acquisition of knowledge, to ensure the upholding of the highest ethical values and to embrace and pursue sustainable long term goals for the advancement and benefit of its Members and Stakeholders and in the best interests of the insurance industry.

Code of Ethics

The IISA shall at all times ensure its compliance, as well as that of its members, with this Code and with all relevant legislation.

The honouring of the following standards shall constitute the foundation of the code:

·         To adhere to and uphold the highest ethical standards and honesty and integrity

·         To always act in the best interests of all stakeholders and to ensure that their needs, priorities, concerns and circumstances are of paramount importance

·         To aspire to excellence and to deliver superior levels of service

·         To conduct business not only within the law, but also within the spirit of the law

·         To respect and treat people fairly regardless of:

o   Ethnicity;

o   Gender or sexual orientation;

o   Religion or belief;

o   Age; or

o   Disability

·         To ensure that professional knowledge and expertise is constantly updated, is relevant and that members act with skill, care, diligence, transparency and in good faith.

·         To promote agreement, co-operation and collaboration amongst members on matters of shared mutual interest.

·         To generally behave in a manner that ensures that the reputation of the financial services industry and the IISA is never brought into disrepute.

Head Office Address

PO Box 413264, , 2024


Phone: 086 100 4472
Fax: 086 101 4472

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