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Insurance GateWay

The Locksmiths' Association of South Africa is the representative body for the locksmithing industry in the country, with branches in the Eastern Province, Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal, Northern Province and Western Cape.

The members of the Association are governed by a Code of Ethics.

"Locksmithing" Trade means the trade in which employers and employees are associated for the opening and closing of locks for other by means other than with keys normally used, the repair, replacement, rebuilding or adjustment of locks and their mechanical parts, the manufacture by non-repetitive methods of parts designed for use in the locks, and the cutting of keys, but does not include the manufacture of locks and keys.

Head Office Address

P O BOX 4007, RANDBURG, 2125


Phone: (011) 886-8676
Fax: (011) 886-8527

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