Insurance Gateway Verified  Financial Service Provider  


Insurance GateWay

South Africa provides a wide variety of financial assistance to its needy citizens by way of cash grants, as a means of social assistance. Social assistance is an income transfer in the form of grants or financial award provided by government.

Since 01 April 2006, the responsibility for the management, administration and payment of social assistance grants was transferred to the South African Social Security Agency.


SASSA is a section 3A public entity and focused institution responsible to ensure that government pays the right grant, to the right person, at a location which is most convenient to that person.


Types of Grants:

  • Grant for Older Persons
  • Disability Grant
  • War Veteran's Grant
  • Child Grants; Foster Child Grant
  • Care Dependency Grant
  • Child Support Grant
  • Grant-in-aid

Please visit our website for more information.

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