Insurance Gateway Verified  Financial Service Provider  


Insurance GateWay

Compliance for a Common Purpose


In a nutshell, our primary role is to facilitate the effective management of the compliance risk in our clients’ departments and divisions through, inter alia, the following:

  • Setting organisation-wide policies and standards for compliance.
  • Providing advice on compliance-related matters.
  • Monitoring the level of compliance on an ongoing basis.
  • Establishing and maintaining working relationships with relevant stakeholders.
  • Providing assistance to minimise the damage to the organisation’s reputation/image in cases where material transgressions occur.
  • Reporting to Key Individuals, audit committees, line management and regulators.
  • Facilitating the compilation of a compliance manual in conjunction with relevant staff and other role-players. The manual is based on the standards and norms provided by the Compliance Institute of Southern Africa, but customised for the specific environment in which our clients function.


The manual addresses:

  • The risks that fall within the scope of our appointment.
  • The material objectives and aspects of the applicable regulatory requirements.
  • The applicable legislation, rules and regulations and where appropriate we focus on the “spirit of the law”.

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