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The IoDSA is a non-profit organisation that is unique in that it represents directors, professionals, business leaders and those charged with governance duties in their individual capacities in southern Africa. As the primary decision-makers in the private and public sectors, these individuals hold a special position of leadership and trust and are responsible — both legally and morally — for the balanced direction and proper reward of all participants in our economic enterprises.


IoDSA membership represents over 5 000 prestigious and diverse South African business leaders, providing a unique opportunity for networking and business development in all sectors. In South Africa, our membership is widely representative of commerce, industry, government and the business professions. 


The IoDSA is committed to the development of those charged with governance duties, directors, board learning and improving board effectiveness. Members of the IoDSA benefit from ongoing educational opportunities, leadership publications and updates featuring the latest developments in corporate governance, as well as unique networking opportunities. 

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Phone: 011 430 9900

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