Insurance Gateway Verified  Financial Service Provider  


Insurance GateWay

The Compliance Institute of South Africa is a non-profit organisation officially incorporated under Section 21 of the Companies Act. 

Aims & Objectives

  • To encourage and promote compliance within the regulatory environment of the South African Financial Services Industry
  • To promote the professional status, image and credibility of its members
  • To identify, establish, maintain and promote international compliance best practices
  • To encourage and facilitate forums for the exchange of information and ideas among members and other stakeholders
  • To stimulate and promote education and training in the field of compliance to its members and other stakeholders
  • To alert members of new developments in, and changes to, legislation and the interpretation and application of such by the relevant authorities
  • To build synergistic rapport between organisations on compliance issues and to create liaison with similar organisations in other countries
  • To provide accreditation for compliance professionals
  • To establish, maintain and promote standards for compliance functions and compliance officers and
  • To do all such other lawful things as are or may be incidental or conducive or ancillary to, or necessary for the attainment of the above objectives

Head Office Address

PO Box 72335, Parkview, 2122


Phone: +27 (0) 11 642 7974

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