Insurance Gateway Verified  Financial Service Provider  


Insurance GateWay

Tial Technologies (Pty) Ltd focuses on developing and delivering software solutions for the short-term insurance industry throughout the African continent. The software development organisation was founded in 1999 by the current shareholders and directors of the company, comprising of Alan Hayward, Thomas Kieck and Tony Jacobsen.


The company’s flagship insurance management system; SystemA, has been around since 2001 and has continually evolved to keep up to date with technology, legislation and the ever-changing insurance landscape. Tial’s SystemA is a comprehensive solution portfolio that integrates to the entire insurance value chain; from collection of premiums, to claim intimation, through to payment of claims.


It supports data transparency, data integrity and powerful analytics – giving you the timely, accurate information required for tactical and strategic decision-making and reporting across all classes of insurance. You can easily apply appropriate standards to relevant processes, addressing the increasing need for transparency across the board.


With SystemA, you can adapt quickly to changing needs, maintain the control and visibility necessary to ensure profitable growth. You can integrate SystemA throughout your entire enterprise; whilst offering customers competitive, cost-cutting packages and getting the edge necessary in today's marketplace with successful adaptation to electronic markets by evolving into a service-oriented architecture that gives customers what they want, right at their fingertips when they want it, giving them the value they deserve.


Tial is committed to ensuring that our clients have made the right choice by listening to our clients and developing the partnerships we have with each and every one of those clients.


Tial SystemA is available throughout South Africa and in Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.


Contact us today for more information by visiting our website, or call us on +27 (0) 11 807 1030.

Head Office Address

PO Box 3454, Sandton, 2128


Phone: +27 11 807 1030

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